Sunday, January 14, 2007


It has been so long since I posted. Somehow, when you have things to occupy your mind and time, blogging doesn't seem that important.


Why do we push away those who are the most dear to us for fear of the power and control they have over our feelings, but end up feeling empty and lost when they finally leave? Do we not know how much we hurt them by doing so?

Why can't we open our hearts without fear and skepticism, and trust that the other person will not abuse the love and power we have given?

When we have fallen, when do we feel confident enough to brush the sand off our skinned palms and knees; to walk again?

Why do we sometimes believe that we are not deserving of happiness?

Is there a pivotal moment, where you have an epiphany and decide that life is worth living and loving after all, or is it a gradual process where someone takes your hand and leads you gently forward? Will we let them or will we fight them?

"Can you help me?
Can you let me go
And can you still love me
When you can't see me anymore..."

insatiable at 5:06 AM
