Monday, February 05, 2007

just one of those days

You know the kind that just gets you down?

I woke up (oddly) freezing under my king-sized duvet, and had to haul myself out of bed to go for lecture. The hormones have been zapping my sanity recently, and I just felt irritable and snappy. And then. The boyfriend got angry at me. To be honest, it is not a recent issue, and is a matter of great friction and unhappiness between us. Well, for him actually. But if he's unhappy, it makes me sad too! But anyhow, there doesn't seem to be a viable solution to the problem, and thus it will persist.

And now, here I am, in the Portland Building, waiting for the MSS meeting to start. Unfortunately, I would have to leave halfway to attend the (5pm!) Trust lecture. The 2nd one of the day. Urgh.

Tonight, I just want to go home, crawl into bed with a glass of red and a good movie. Or perhaps I should find a big hole to hibernate in, and only re-emerge when the world seems like a better place.

C'est la vie!


insatiable at 11:47 PM
