Monday, March 14, 2005

why do mondays exist?

honestly, i think they exist just to torment the human race. especially the yr one students doing the LLB course in the uni of notts. besides being the first day of the academic week, the administration have scheduled THREE lectures today, not including my horror contract tutorial with ms S Williams at 10am! but more on that later. there's barely time to breathe and relax in between lectures, what with the blogging, note copying and sleeping that is integral to student life. urgh. i hate mondays. give me my long leisurely weekends anytime. i want to yawn, stretch and climb out of bed at 2pm!!!! ok, im a bum. so sue me.

Ms Williams is a despot. it's her way or the highway. even if lexis nexis says otherwise. i mean, come on, there's more than one way to argue a point of law and she just doesn't see that! talk about flexibility and creativeness. besides, the way she intimidates everyone, its a wonder that we can pry our mouths open for fear of getting shot down immediately. i wonder about her accent too. it's sounds asian, but it's probably nigerian. did she have to cultivate that aggresive nature and intimidating stance to succeed despite her race and gender? she has pictures of a cute nigerian baby on her wall, so there must be some gentleness and motherly-ness behind that facade, tucked away in a hidden corner. i wonder.

my tummy hurts. i just wanna crawl back into bed and while my time away....

insatiable at 7:16 PM



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