Sunday, April 24, 2005

hell hath no fury a woman scorned

im blogging whilst waiting for the bubbles from claire's bath to settle in the bathroom so i can shower!! i got to really know a friend today. before this we were just the hi-bye kind. living in the same campus, in the same course, but our lives never seemed to intersect. but we went to the gym today, and it was good! i'm really glad i got to know her.

our gossiping kinda set off little light bulbs in my head. i really think that all the bastards in the world ought to be punished. there might be the common soap opera theory that bastards are such because someone else hurt them so bad that they had to take revenge on the rest of womenfolk-- cue felix from the o.c. (since im a girl, it's much easier to talk about the guys being bad. grins). but what kind of sick, twisted soul are you if you would want to inflict the same kind of pain that you've felt on someone innocent? it's like seniors ragging juniors cuz they were ragged on the year before. it's just insane neanderthal behavior! if you have a problem, you should recognise it and seek professional mental help, not try to inflict others with the same pain.

honestly, i think these jerks think they can get off with it cuz some women are too peace-loving; too passive; too scared or just too shocked to do anything. and when they finally want to, the moment is gone and taking revenge would just seem like such a vindictive and juvenile thing thing to do. thus, these pieces of crap get away with mental and sometimes physical torture. women should stand up for themselves, show the world that we are not pushovers and get our own back against the people who victimise us.

i know of friends who stay in relationships that tear them down instead of building them up because of a multitude of reasons, but mostly, they boil down to the fear of change. most humans are creatures of habit, and when you have been in your comfortable rut for so long, you don't really want to move. so what if the roof's leaking? so what if the wind blows in at night? some women can't imagine a life without their abusive partner. some women want to, but can't change because they feel scared and threatened. but i believe, and i have done it, that if you really want to get out of it, you can. just tell yourself that there's nothing to fear, and there's so many better things out there that you have yet to experience. but most people don't know that, or haven't found the courage to do so. and that, i think, is the saddest part of all.

to men like that, there is no "appropriate" response. for me, i'll give them a piece of my mind, throw hot soup on them and end it nicely with a tight slap across the face. if i really had my way, i'll dismember them and drown them in a pig's pen. hm... or maybe the best way would to get an eye for an eye. revenge, as you know, is the sweetest fruit of them all.

insatiable at 5:25 AM



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