Thursday, December 08, 2005

more pictures..

let me introduce you to a girl who always seems so macho (a stint in the navy no less), but has a soft and feminine side all the same. she also has the bad luck of being caught on film (hm.. digital film?) by me the photowhore.

*drum roll*

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see? so sweet, coy and pretty. leave your number, guys, and I will try to arrange something. heh heh..

And then there is keat, my housemate, who helped me with the photo uploading. he looks rather wierd in this photo, but ah well, thats how he looks normally anyway.. =x (ok, im joking, this is an exceptionally bad photo. he looks retarded or sth.. hee)

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I saved the best for last.
Here's my markyboy, who has stood by me for over a year (a herculean achievement)! He's so cute sometimes I just wanna squeeeeze his cheeks together! muahahhaha.

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Honestly, I don't have the inspiration to write something interesting. The best writing comes from loss, sadness, melancholy and other emotions straight out of pandora's box. But now that I am happy and emotionally fulfilled, there is no angst for me to draw my writing from. It is a trade-off i guess, but one that I am more than happy to make. =)

p.s. Homeward bound next week!
p.p.s. My Candace Jacket came!! hooray! *super huge grin*

insatiable at 6:10 AM



at 7:19 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stumbled across your blog! Haha, v nice pics.

at 7:26 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe what u did with my photo lah..
i was so innocent man..
next time i will avoid having my face captured by ur camera ok..

at 11:48 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very lovely looking couple.
don't u agreE?


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