Friday, January 13, 2006

wonky foundations

It's a little word, one syllable, five letters. It's a little feeling, not a big one like love, hate or envy; never important enough to be in Pandora's box. But it's the foundation of all relationships. Such a little word, a little feeling, but with an enormous duty.

Not only is trust a little word and a little feeling, it is very frail as well. Trust is ephemeral, it is intangible, languishing on our fingertips or at the outer regions of the virtual world of our relationship. So hard to grasp, so hard to say "I trust you completely". Like a spider's gossamer web, it is so weak, yet so strong.

But one crack in the pretty vase that is trust, and it may never mend. No amount of niceness, cajoling and grovelling will resurrect "trust". Thus, when trust is broken, stepped on, thrown out of the window, should we forgive and try to mend the little pieces of our hearts or.. or what? There is never a perfect solution for these matters, is there?

I love you, I really do. And I want to believe you, and trust you again. But it is so hard, to convince myself to put away the fear, the nagging doubts in my head, and most importantly, the sadness and dull ache in my heart to do so. Why couldn't you have proved me wrong after the first, or even the second time? Why must you let things turn out like that?

A house built on sand will be swept away, but a house built on rock will be able to withstand anything. But what happens when the rock has been eroded?

I don't know. You tell me. No, don't say a word. Words are never convincing enough. Show me, my love, that I can trust you.

insatiable at 3:57 AM



at 11:58 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya vickie.
Gee. how come like this?
you both are an item man...
i hope it will get resolved soon yeahz.. i do agree with all you said.
Trust which is broken can never be mend coz it lingers in your memories.
Its difficult. But I'm sure its something you both can curb with.
Take care k?
Do things to make your sunken heart light yeahz.
i will see ya soon

at 10:16 AM Blogger mich* said...

haha you sure did :) thanks hehehhh. i sua ku lah nv drunk one before hehhe.


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