Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Me and the boy spent a delectably sinful friday and saturday, walking around in town and stuffing our faces at a certain mrG's house. It was such a relief to just be out and about, shopping, eating and chatting, before our faces are forcefully shoved back into the relentless grind. We had a superduper delicious dinner at mrG's place that started with a tomato, mozzerella and basil salad; went on to mrG's risotto and the boy's delish roast chicken. The feast ended, regretfully, with a run of Breakfast at Tiffany's, some B&J's dublin mudslide and a bottle of red wine (thank you Andrew!). All together now, "ahhhh............."

I would post some pictures, but I'm in the law cafe now and all the pics are back home in the camera. So i shall entertain with just words.. heh.

Apart from engaging in the very Singaporean activity of eating, we also gossiped alot. (and I say this almost apologetically.) Something Andrew said really stuck. He said that talking about X really brought out the worst in people. But the thing is that she has done so many nasty and mean things to so many people that everyone has something to say on the topic. It was inevitable.

Ah, but by mrG's definition we weren't bitching. Surely stating your honest and truthful opinion on a certain subject cannot be considered bitching! I think that it is only when you contort and mangle the truth, that it becomes a broken-telephone situation.

From my point of view, it was certainly no fun having someone call me up and accusing me of doing something I didn't. It really shows someone's character when he tries to use an inanimate object that is not even his against you. Bah.

The gossip situation here in Notts fuels itself. There are too little people for the groups to be diverse enough not to interact with each other, but yet enough people for there to be fodder. And because our lives consist mainly of activities that are housebound, we pathetically resort to gossiping. However, I don't believe that it is a Singaporean thing to gossip (a theory espoused by my housemate), I'm sure girls of other nationalities do the same (cue Sex and the City and countless other soaps).

It's Monday now. The carefree weekend is now but a pleasant memory.

I shall sign off with this piece on love by one of my friends. Short of sounding hippie and flower power and all that, I think we need more love. Where is the love? =) btw, it is part five of a series.

The way she waltzed into my world, her step and twirl, it was... She didn't look like anything special. Not very tall, but proportionate in her body, jet black hair, fair skin, a beautiful smile. I had been seeing her around for quite a while already, but I never felt the need to go up to her to chat her up, even though I knew a few of her friends and that the chances of seeing her again, and again, were quite high. Somehow, just last week I had that chance. Well, nothing was planned, nothing was thought of beforehand, I was at this gathering and someone's place and she happened to be there.

I won't say that I was keen from the start, I merely noticed. Even at that gathering, I took quite a while before I got to her. I drifted around the house, from person to person till I got to her, and I did get to her alone. We were in this corner in the dining area, sitting down on two chairs, and while we were chatting, it seemed as though that there was no one else in the house with us. The floor was open for dance, and there were already a few couples out on the floor. I thought, "Why not." And so I asked, if she liked a dance. She gave me her hand.

We spun around and around on the floor, I twirled her around and watched as her smile and her hair flow. I listened to the music: love songs to haunt me after the night was over. Then a waltz was played, and the strings of the violins sounded through the strings of our hearts, reminding me of how lovers parted. We were dancing with each other, in a world where boy-loves-girl, and girl-loves-boy. We were dancing with each other, and our feet weren't even touching the ground.

As a parting gift (haha) I will end off with a photo of... me! In case you guys forget how i look (i am just a photowhore lah)

p.s. will update on Singnite on the next post. ok, so i'm SOOO late its not funny. sue me.

insatiable at 12:18 AM



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