Friday, March 17, 2006

all me.

Due to overwhelming pressure (actually, its just you, Cheok), I have decided to post my non-straightened-short-hair photo! =)


The boy once commented that I was emotionally distant. That it seems scary the way I am able to detach myself from the situation and look at it from a third party's point of view. That it is so cold, the way I am not swayed when I do that.

I like to think of myself as a passionate, fun-loving and bubbly person. But when life deals you a bad set of cards, you just have to suck it up and put on your poker face. When things get bad, its always easier when you distance yourself emotionally and be objective, rational and reasonable when assessing and solving the problem. no?

Sometimes, when I think of the bad stuff that has happened in the past, it almost seems like I am seeing a movie clip of someone who resembles me. It's not personal. Sometimes, that scares me too.

Maybe that is why my posts on this blog have been so sporadic. It just doesn't feel right to be sharing my feelings, and opening myself up to judgment. This blog is not anonymous, and sometimes, using X, Y and Z is not enough. I write about things i feel strongly about. That does not happen often, and when it does, I don't feel i can write publicly about it.

Ah well. Perhaps I am really a cold-hearted bitch from hell. =)

insatiable at 12:03 AM



at 12:50 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell yes.

at 8:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

make that cold-hearted slut, whore and bitch from hell.


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