Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life is never fair

Three months of beautiful, glorious sunshine; no essays, no tutorials, no rush; no responsibilities. A summer of cheap shopping, beach holidays and catching up with old friends. Perfection, no?

Well, not quite.

The "liberation" is suddenly alot less appealing when you can't make promises beyond the first week of September. Words I wish I didn't have to say, emotions I wish I didn't have to feel. Promises I can't make, promises I have to keep. Sigh, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

It seems like I'm living parallel lives, one in Notts and one in Singapore. Time seems to stop at each one when I'm in the other, and the first night is always the hardest. I wake up in one bed and fall asleep in another. Both seem to be "home" already, so where is home?

The difficulty is in reconciling the two - when the moment of "crossover" beckons. It's like being tied to a bomb, waiting for it to explode, trying to savor your last moments.

insatiable at 2:19 PM



at 5:39 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally understand what you are describing. these moments of transient/transitory reality are somewhat frustrating but should be savoured. it's hard to pin down similar moments once you're eventually rooted somewhere, be it Notts, Singapore or anywhere in the world. enjoy it while it lasts sweetie. ;)


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