Friday, March 30, 2007


Wow, its been such a long time since I last blogged.

Perhaps I'm just too lazy to type. Or perhaps there are many things I cannot say and don't want to say. Friends who are close enough to me are updated on a regular basis... and the more private aspects of my life are on a need-to-know basis for the rest of the world. Things have become alot more complicated over the past year and it is better that my thoughts and feelings are not aired.

But I am well. There have been many ups and downs these past couple of months. Perhaps more downs than ups, but c'est la vie right? I have learnt to take things in my stride, and not to sweat the small stuff. Patience was never my forte in the past, but I have been complimented as being patient!! (woohoo! small victory for vic! =D)

I guess we are all trying to be a better person than we were yesterday. Trying to move forward, trying not to look back and brood on the mistakes from the past, trying to find happiness. We all make mistakes, that is what makes us human. But to learn from those mistakes would make us better people.

To love, to hope, to trust. That's my "for now" plan =)

insatiable at 7:27 PM



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