Saturday, September 30, 2006


Hey guys,

So much has happened since I last posted. I left Singapore, flew to London, went to NY for a week(!!!), and came back to notts after that. I'm well settled into my new house and school is starting next week.

Emotionally, I'm happy and stable now. Mark and I broke up over the summer, and I'm with someone else now. Although an LDR is difficult (and I'm sure I'll blog more on the perils of embarking on such an endeavour), but we are coping quite well. All hail to technology! haha. My baby is what I want, need and have been searching for.


p.s. keat wrote the last post himself! haha =D

insatiable at 11:28 PM


Friday, September 29, 2006

My Wonderful Housemate

I just wanna say a couple of words.

I wanna shoutout to my housemate KEAT, for being the awesomest dude in the world.

U see, he steals my internet and says thanks.

He uses my IDD card and says thanks.

He makes me print stuff for him and guess what? He says thanks again.

Its like he's so polite!

What a nice guy.


insatiable at 5:54 AM


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Nothing, but everything

Packing up my life once again
Compartmentalising; sorting; packing away
Picking up the shreds of my existance
placing them in a suitcase

A top here, a book there
A life here, transplanted elsewhere
Nothing has changed
but everything.

Am I ready to leave tomorrow?
By leaving, what am I losing?
The room goes misty, surreal
My two lives will collide.

insatiable at 4:11 AM


Thursday, September 07, 2006

if only...

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
keane - somewhere only we know

But a dream, immortalised in a song. There can never be a "somewhere only we know", but there can be a moment only we share. These are the snapshots, kept close to my heart, that will keep me going. The memory of the cool evening breeze on my face and in my hair, just the two of us standing on that bridge. Lights everywhere. My hand in yours.

insatiable at 2:59 PM


Friday, September 01, 2006

don't believe everything you hear about me

There was a really dark period of my life, way back when I was 14. My class hated me, and I felt alone and really sad. It was a stupid incident that sparked it off, and I admit I was partially at fault. But, as they say, children can be the most cruel. I would buy lunch back from a nearby food centre, and eat in front of the tv. I ate a bar of Cadbury's almost everyday.

I write this not for you to pity me. I don't regret that time, because it has made me so much stronger and more aware of my identity.

People say what they want to say, and believe what they choose to believe. Nothing I do or say can change their minds unless they are willing to do so in the first place. Futhermore, I can't please everyone, nor do I want to try. So I have learnt to laugh off what people say about me. They don't know me at all, who are they to judge? I am who I am, and if you actually get to know me, you will find out that I am not what they say. So long as I have friends and family, who love me for me, and who don't think there is anything seriously wrong with me, I am good. I don't need the world to love me. Even if I made everyone else happy, what use would it be if being someone else made me sad?

Reputations are built on the shaky game of broken telephone. Sure, there is no smoke without fire, but just because I like to wear my skirts short does not mean I sleep around. Just because I am friendly and sociable does not mean I'm easy.

Doesn't it seem contradictory? The fact that I claim to not be affected by rumours and "reputations" but I'm blogging about it.

I don't give a shit. But when someone I love is affected by what people say, that makes me sit up and listen. To you it may be nothing, just a random comment. Distorted and spiced up, with no concrete proof. Do you care if it hurts someone? Do you care if it places doubts in the mind of someone I love? I'll bet you never even thought about it.

To everyone out there: if I have ever been mean, bitchy or obnoxious to you, I apologise. But tell me, so I know. If I have never done anything to you or I don't even know you, then stop judging me because you have no right at all.

To you: love me for the person you have come to know, and not judge me for the person other people say I am.

insatiable at 1:08 AM
