Wednesday, November 29, 2006

thoughts on a cold winter night..

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

am I so blessed? heh.


I just love the smell of freshly laundered bed linen. All set and ready for me to crawl into bed, wrap my king-sized duvet (on a queen size bed!) around me, and fall asleep nice and toasty on a cold winter night. Ah, the little pleasures in life. =)

I like my life now. Having my own room, having time for myself and learning about independent all over again. For the past two years I've been relying on Mark to be my handyman, but now I feel like I'm learning how to do things myself. I like being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. This is what I will miss the most when I go home. True, home is home, and that is the main reason why I want to go back to Singapore. I have learnt to appreciate and miss home much more because I am away. But under my parents' roof, I have to be accountable to them, and follow their rules.

Does having to be accountable and following rules make me any less, well, me? Well, I don't know. But I like having space I can call my own, and having to only be accountable to myself (and ofcourse, my loverboy).


What does money mean to you? For me, it has always been a means by which to make me happy. Ofcourse, there are many emotional and spiritual joys that money cannot buy, but I would use it to give me what little happiness it can. I have always felt that I would spend the money if it could enhance an experience. But fundamentally, it is but a bonus. A hawker meal with the right person could be an experience of a lifetime, but if you could have a meal at a romantic restaurant with privacy, candles and soft music, wouldn't it enhance the experience? I think spending money in that way is justified. If buying a bag can make me happy everytime I use it, then it is justified as well! =) I appreciate that I still can feel happiness at accumulating material possessions, at finding a bargain or falling in love with a dress. To me, it would be sad to get to the point where I have nothing more to work towards, and it all loses its lustre.

At heart, I am a practical girl. It wouldn't matter if I were staying in a HDB flat, or a condo, if I am staying with someone I truly want to be with. Why spend money paying for a condo you can ill afford? Does it make that much of a difference? At least to me, it doesn't.

I would rather you shower me with attention, and give me little gifts than ignore me the whole time and try to make it up with a huge present. Don't get me wrong, I love receiving presents, especially those in a robin blue box! (heh) But showing that you care and love me and that I'm your priority would make me happier.

I hope that these things about me don't change, and I don't morph into this materialistic, status-obsessed workaholic in the future. Lets hope that this post exists to remind me of who I was if that time really comes.

22 days more!!! How time flies.. why can't it fly faster?! >_<

insatiable at 6:56 AM


Friday, November 24, 2006

C'est la vie





Our lives just seem to pass us by, between these two actions. Perhaps I can be something more in my next breath, perhaps I will squander it with recklessness. You mean well, but I can never be good enough. It's depressing.

The water hits my forehead, and flows down my face like a miniature waterfall. I hold my breath and close my eyes as the water runs and runs. Suddenly I am somewhere else and I am someone else. I pull away and gasp for air. Inhale, exhale.

Perhaps I can never be who you want me to be. Can you accept me that way? Perhaps you can never forget her. Should I accept that?

Inhale... exhale.
The only constant is the passage of time.

insatiable at 9:15 AM


Tuesday, November 14, 2006


It's hard to start blogging again when I haven't done so in such a long time. It's like homework, when the backlog starts to pile up, it seems daunting to even begin. It's so ironic, as well, that when I have the time to write my life is uneventful, but when things start to happen I'm too tired to contemplate writing.

"I'm filled with confidence when I begin, but at the end of a writing night I'm left to wonder if other writers feel that way I do - that with each letter, word, phrase, sentance, paragraph, I'm digging a toehold, gripping a rock, a fool on a mountainside, alone and ill-equipped, a disastrous fall more likely than a gloried ascent. Why did I start climbing? Where am I now? Who gives a shit if I reach the summit?"
- "The Girls" by Lori Lansens

Sometimes I feel just like that. Like what I will be writing is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much to say and the emotions so rich that I can't possibly give it justice. With all the restrictions on the World Wide Web, I feel that my fingers are tied. Even without, sometimes words don't suffice.

I would hate for my blog to be one of those "I did this today, and I'm gonna do that tomorrow" kind of blogs. Mundane and filled with senseless moaning. I'm not judging those people who enjoy and write those blogs, I just don't want mine to be like that.

I've surprised myself by how patient I can be. I guess ever since the ex-from-hell, I have learnt to be alot more tolerant, but far colder than I was. But it is different this time. Laughter and tears are commonplace, and I feel alive. He makes me feel human, and not cold and detached. I love it that he can make me really happy and really sad. =) It has really been too long, and I'm glad I held my breath and took the plunge.

38 days to go!!

(oh dear, I'm turning into one of those sappy, romantic people who wax lyrical about their love lives online. but what the hell, it's my blog.)


insatiable at 3:34 AM
