Friday, May 26, 2006


I've been in a state of limbo. My law exams finished on Monday (with Land Law.. urgh) and my next exams is on the 1st of june. Film. haha.. 20 "what is.." qns. I know I should start reading up for it.. but the draw of the inner slacker seems to great sometimes =x

Qing, Mark and I went to watch the Da Vinci Code yesterday. It was alright, but I felt the book was much better. And the movie seems to be quite liberal with its creative directions.. hm. not sure if i liked that. I always imagined Langdon to be more handsome, perhaps a Richard Gere type. Tom Hanks just didn't seem to cut it. =( I kept thinking of him in Forest Gump! bah.

J recently emailed and friendster-messaged me. It was really abrupt, after all so much time has passed. It seems wierd to hear from him again, after all that happened, and the wierd (edit: sorry typo! its weird yeah? hm.. still don't know how to do the strikethrough thingy =x) nonchalent way it ended. Not to mention the fact that he didn't seem too keen to meet up with me the last time I was back. Ah well. He seems to make it a habit of appearing and disappearing.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because I am not that young, lovesick girl I once was. There were no butterflies in my tummy, and my heart didn't skip a beat. Having taken off my rose-tinted glasses, he has become so mortal. To tell the truth, it was more a *raised left-eyebrow* kinda moment. haha =D

It's interesting how I don't usually keep in contact with my exes. I like having a fresh start, without emotional baggage. Keeping in contact with an ex just brings back memories, both positive and negative. I think memories are best stored in a little corner of my heart, taken out when I'm daydreaming; or when something, someone or some place jogs my memory.

But perhaps it is also due to the fact that, apart from the recent few, the rest were little more than flings.

Ok, off to see Xmen 2(edit: Xmen3!! p.s. stay till after the credits!) now!! *yay*

hugs and kisses,

insatiable at 11:43 PM


Saturday, May 13, 2006

at the beach in athens!

Watch Qing try to get out of her sandy constraints! muahaha. We are plain evil! =D

We did this at a private beach in Athens after paying $%^&&@£* alot of money to get it. It was worth it tho. The sand was soft (and not gravelly like at the other free places) and the people were relatively more beautiful. (no old balding greek men in their speedos playing ball!!) The water was blue, clear, refreshing and REALLY salty. It was great just to lie there and enjoy the sun, sand and sea. bliss.

If it doesn't load, try this.

insatiable at 12:20 AM


Sunday, May 07, 2006

this and that

I was not talking about my own relationship with the boy when I posted on the 11th of April. But having read it over, I understand why some people think so. So this is just a wee clarification that my relationship is going strong (after 1.5 years), and we are NOT in a loveless relationship. =)

Anyway, thanks for your concern everyone, I feel the love and the concern!! But to "-": I think the boy is THE absolute best boyfriend I've ever had. Bar none.


Complain time:

It is just SO difficult to study when the weather is so beautiful outside. The sun is shining (yeah, from 5am - 9pm!), the birds are chirping, and it is not so humid that you sit and sweat everytime you step out! Oh yeah, and the ants and mosquitoes are out too! haha

The past couple of days, I've been parading out of the house in my vast array of seldom-used (in this country) miniskirts and shorts. The feeling of the sun on my skin never felt so good! It is plain torture forcing us to study in this heavenly weather.

Actually I would rather it be cold and miserable, then I would be content fossilizing at home.

Ah well.

Oh, oh! I bought a pair of Miss Sixty heels today from TK Maxx! They were going for 20 pounds only!! So pretty! haha, I take pleasure in the little things that life provides.


insatiable at 4:46 AM
