Tuesday, December 20, 2005


As I stepped through her hallowed gates, where many a wearied traveler ended their journey halfway across the world, her sweet, warm, balmy breath hit me like a curtain of impenetrable air. My lungs struggled to acclimatize to this familiar unfamiliarity. So old, yet so new; so new, yet so homely.


These few days have just been a whirlwind of activity, with me reliving my 'dreams' of being a social butterfly and a serial dater! One guy a day, woohoo! Seriously tho, I'm a one girl kinda guy =) I'm just so glad to be back in the company of my friends, tucking into to great food and exploring orchard again! It's amazing how many new shops have sprouted up since I've been away.

In line with my whole photowhore image (hur hur), I'm gonna post some photos of the hot dates I've been on! hee. I love my friends! =D

I landed at 4pm because of some stupid airplane rotation caused delay at heathrow (where I had to idle away 5 Hours!! the 10pound lunch voucher was little consolation). Almost immediately, Val propositioned me. What were you thinking? It was THE mango sale ofcourse. I wouldn't miss it even if I were so jet-lagged/tired/hot. So I dragged my sorry ass down to Suntec where I bought a couple of basic tops. No photos tho. Was simply not in a state.

Met Allan for lunch at Parkway. Was amazed at how much the place has changed. Ah, parkway. The familiarity.
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I had a great time and really enjoyed talking to him. Even though it has been so long since we last met, we still got along like a house on fire! haha.. and Allan, you are as corny as ever. But guess what, I'm CORNEA! buahahhaa

Then I went down to town to meet Mark and Andrew (twa jia) for dinner..
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It's funny how we can end up as good friends after that "situation" at the beginning of my first year. Very magnanimous of the boy, I must say. =)

woke up at 4pm after a marathon jap video (pride, featuring takuya kimura.. Argh, my work!) last night, went for a run and then met Chia How for dinner! We are photowhores, the both of us! That would explain the deluge of photos..

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Now, don't we look like the stuff we're 'modelling'?

alright, it's getting late (2am!!) and I have an early breakie with the parents at maxwell later.. yawns. later peeps!

xxoo, Vic

p.s. What a long post!!

insatiable at 1:20 AM


Thursday, December 08, 2005

more pictures..

let me introduce you to a girl who always seems so macho (a stint in the navy no less), but has a soft and feminine side all the same. she also has the bad luck of being caught on film (hm.. digital film?) by me the photowhore.

*drum roll*

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see? so sweet, coy and pretty. leave your number, guys, and I will try to arrange something. heh heh..

And then there is keat, my housemate, who helped me with the photo uploading. he looks rather wierd in this photo, but ah well, thats how he looks normally anyway.. =x (ok, im joking, this is an exceptionally bad photo. he looks retarded or sth.. hee)

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I saved the best for last.
Here's my markyboy, who has stood by me for over a year (a herculean achievement)! He's so cute sometimes I just wanna squeeeeze his cheeks together! muahahhaha.

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Honestly, I don't have the inspiration to write something interesting. The best writing comes from loss, sadness, melancholy and other emotions straight out of pandora's box. But now that I am happy and emotionally fulfilled, there is no angst for me to draw my writing from. It is a trade-off i guess, but one that I am more than happy to make. =)

p.s. Homeward bound next week!
p.p.s. My Candace Jacket came!! hooray! *super huge grin*

insatiable at 6:10 AM


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hey guys, I'm really getting the hand of this photo uploading thingy. Lets try a couple more!

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This is a photo of the Notts Netball team who won the Notts games!! *yay* we all went to skinny sumo for dinner, and then walked all over town looking for a desert spot before ending up at the cinema (of all places) for some ice-cream. Lets hope the hard rock cafe manager who chased us out even after we were seated (!!!) gets many many pus infected boils on his face. bah.

right. moving on..

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This one is me,me,me! muahaha *evil laughter*. My "fierce" shot before the halloween party. Don't ask what I was going as. There is no answer. =)

and last but not least..

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Here's one of me n qing-a-ling at the Lincoln X'mas Fair! Hee. I seriously pigged out that night. Love my beret?


insatiable at 9:32 AM


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

do i really need to title this?

Argh! My idiot (but still very lovable =x) boyfriend pulled the plug on my precious mac when he sat down to take a look at my land law essay just now. Coincidentally, I was halfway through the current post. Woe is me.

It has been 5 freakin days, 3 emails and too many dashed mornings; and my NWT Abercrombie Candace Bomber Jacket (worth US$135, retail price: US$200) is NOT HERE YET! How can this be?!? Here, let me show you a picture of my soon-to-be fantabulous jacket:

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Isn't she (yep, definitely a she) super warm and snug and gorgeous? I can't wait to run my hands through the faux fur lining! mm... =)

Ok, enough of my bimbo self.

Oh wait. Let me put up another photo of me as a photo whore on my 20th birthday!

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Hey, why is the photo so big? Ah nevermind. Do i need to rotate it as well? Too much effort. Rotate your head instead. haha. --- done! see im so nice (thanks Keat! I promise to put ur photo up soon and tell everyone how much I adore you... hahahahahaha)

Speaking of birthdays, Happy 21st birthday Kai and Chu! I promise to buy you guys nice things from London ok? =) Can't wait to come back and go out with you guys! *smile*


Why do people only cherish the things they have lost? Are we, as a race, so emotionally stunted that we cannot appreciate the good in our lives until they are no more? A friend of mine recently broke up with her long term (a year and a bit) boyfriend because she realised that they could not communicate. The boyfriend (who was always a bit of a chauvinist) has done a complete turn around and morphed into super-sensitive, super-caring, flower-sending, gift-bearing, super boyfriend to be. (and I say this without any sarcasm whatsoever)

A bit late isn't it?

But there are success stories of course. The ex-and-current boyfriend of my best friend was.. hm.. I cant find the words to describe him.. a bastard (obviously not in the literal sense). His sins are too many to name, and needless to say, I was frustrated and angry that she was chaining herself to a boy who was not worthy of her. But I kept my mouth shut, because I knew (from experience), that she would look past the faults of the one she really loved.

Anyhow, they broke up (oh no, he broke up with her), and then got extremely jealous that she was seeing other people, and tried to chase her back. Again, there was this extreme personality makeover and he became (supposedly. I am still not convinced) the man of her dreams. And of course, she fell back into his arms.

My point is, cherish the one you love before you realise that you can't live without them but you have to. It is the little things that count, the kiss in the morning (albeit with morning breath), the TLC when your partner is ill, and the countless little things that show her that she is the one you want to be with.

insatiable at 3:58 AM
